Southwest Oklahoma MOAA
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Southwest Oklahoma MOAA

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Southwest Oklahoma MOAA
This Story Expires on: 10/31/25
Medicare & You 2025 Handbook

This Story Expires on: 10/01/25
Pay Raise, Housing Help, and More: MOAA’s Priorities as Congress Returns From Recess

This Story Expires on: 10/01/25
The 4th Annual SWOK Chapter of MOAA Fundraiser is coming soon!!

This Story Expires on: 10/01/25
Chapter Members Birthday, September 2024

This Story Expires on: 09/30/25
SWOK Chapter of MOAA Fundraiser

This Story Expires on: 07/01/25
Advocacy in Action Key MOAA Priorities

This Story Expires on: 09/30/25
Chapter Members Birthday, August 2024

This Story Expires on: 02/01/25
Presidents Update, June 2024

This Story Expires on: 09/01/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, July 2024

Five Reasons Surviving Spouses Should Be Members of MOAA

This Story Expires on: 07/01/25
MacAuthur JROTC Recognized at the Oklahoma State Capitol

This Story Expires on: 07/31/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, June 2024

This Story Expires on: 06/30/25
General Membership Meeting Highlights May 14, 2024

This Story Expires on: 07/01/25
Exciting News from LATS!

This Story Expires on: 06/01/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, May 2024

Council Receives 5 Star Level of Excellence Award for 2023

2023 Col. Marvin D. Harris Communication Award

This Story Expires on: 06/30/25
National Cemetery Project 22 May 2024

This Story Expires on: 12/31/24
Happy National Volunteer Week!

This Story Expires on: 05/31/25
Advocacy in Action: MOAA Members Rally on Capitol Hill

This Story Expires on: 05/01/25
MOAA JROTC Award Presentation

This Story Expires on: 10/01/24
Advocacy in Action 2024: Why MOAA’s Issues Matter

This Story Expires on: 05/01/25
TRICARE For Life Under Threat: How MOAA Works to Protect Your Benefit

This Story Expires on: 05/01/25
Surviving Spouse Corner: We Need Your Voice on Legislative Issues

This Story Expires on: 05/01/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, April 2024

This Story Expires on: 05/01/25
MHS GENESIS Patient Portal Now Allows Prescription Refills

This Story Expires on: 01/01/25
TRICARE Pharmacy Program in 2024

This Story Expires on: 05/31/25
Cameron University SROTC 2024 Spring Awards Ceremony

This Story Expires on: 04/30/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, March 2024

This Story Expires on: 03/01/25
MOAA’s Spring 2024 Advocacy In Action

This Story Expires on: 03/01/25
COLA News: Be Ready for an Even Smaller Boost in 2025

This Story Expires on: 02/28/25
January 2024 General Memberhip Meeting Highlights

This Story Expires on: 02/28/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, February 2024

This Story Expires on: 07/31/25
On line ID Card Renewal

This Story Expires on: 03/01/25
Wreath Recovery Fort Sill National Cemetery, 20 January 2024

This Story Expires on: 02/28/25
President’s Message January 2024

Chapter Scholarship Donors Recognized

This Story Expires on: 01/31/25
Chapter Members Birthdays, January 2024

Date Posted:12/19/23
From MOAA’s President: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

2024 U.S. Army Retired Soldier Handbook

MOAA National Endowed Scholarships

Buffalo Soldiers Presentation

Here Are Your 2024 Medicare Part B Rates

Hundreds of Veterans Day discounts and freebies

From MOAA’s President: Help Shape Our Advocacy Agenda

Social Security Announces 3.2 Percent Benefit Increase for 2024

Act Fast to Meet a New Deadline for Survivor Benefit Plan Enrollment

Have Your Say: This Military Family Survey Will Help Inform Advocacy Work

Presidents Message October 2023

TRICARE Handbooks (Updated January 2024)

Veterans Guide to Government Shutdown

MOAA National Chapter Visit

2022 Col. Marvin D. Harris Communication Award

Council Receives 5 Star Level of Excellence Award for 2022

2024 Changes to Medicare

Letter of Appreciation Mount Scott Cemetery Support

Spaghetti Fundraiser Volunteer Signup

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Southwest Oklahoma MOAA
Thought for the Week...

I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.  Abraham Lincoln

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Presidents Update, June 2024
This Story Expires on: 02/01/25

Presidents Update, June 2024

Well, summer is upon us!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring and is ready for Oklahoma’s hot season.   Please stay hydrated and remain inside in the air conditioning as much as possible. 

The SWOK Chapter continues to achieve and maintain excellence in its activities. The National MOAA Office has once again presented to YOUR chapter the 5-star Levels of Excellence (LOE) Award and the 5-star Marvin Harris Communications Award.  These are the most prestigious awards that National can bestow upon a local chapter.  A heartfelt thanks goes out to those members who made this possible – especially to Sam Coffman for the LOE submission and to Charlie Hutchinson for the Harris submission.   

In February, our chapter hosted Bingo at the Lawton Veterans Home. We provided the $200.00 in prize money.  Thanks to those chapter members who participated in this fun event.  The veterans really appreciated this effort (especially since each veteran was a winner!). 

In April, we presented a MOAA Certificate and Medal to one deserving JROTC cadet each at Eisenhower, Lawton and MacArthur High Schools.  The chapter also provided Second Lieutenant Bars to each SROTC cadet commissioned at Cameron University.

We had another great General Membership Meeting in May. This was our annual Recognition Dinner.  The dinner was excellent, and the fellowship was fantastic!  We took a moment of silence for those members who had passed this past year. We then recognized our six local high school $1000.00 scholarship recipients and the recipient of the $1000.00 SWOK Chapter Leadership Award from Cameron University. We also recognized a few of our own. I presented Ed Petersen and Sam Coffman with the MOAA National Leadership Award Certificates and Pins for their longtime service of excellence to the chapter. I also presented the SWOK Chapter Certificate of Appreciation to Sue Kremmer for her superb service as Chapter Treasurer. We then recognized MacArthur High School’s excellent JROTC program with a $500.00 donation from the chapter.

Our chapter members once again answered the call of duty in May by planting flowers and emplacing/recovering flags at the National Cemetery in Elgin.  Thanks to all those who participated.

The chapter also continues to operate the Military Welcome Center at Lawton Airport.  The volunteers who make this operation possible deserve our greatest appreciation. The MWC always needs volunteers. If you have the time, please consider volunteering there.

We were able to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy.  We visited Utah Beach, Saint-Mere Eglise, Pointe-du-Hoc, and the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach.  We were able to shake the hands of several of the WWII veterans present and to thank them personally for their service and sacrifice in the liberation of Fortress Europe. We also had a great time meeting the other MOAA members on the cruise and making new friends.  

Soon, you should be receiving a Chapter Survey.  Please take the time to complete and return the questionnaire. The primary objectives of this survey are as follows:

1.  Confirm Executive Board actions, decisions, and activities are consistent with member expectations. 

2.  Identify and eliminate activities and actions that are not value added and consistent with member desires and wants.

3.  Identify enablers and inhibitors to Chapter membership growth and focus efforts, when possible, to increase membership in our Chapter.    

Our next General Membership Meeting will be 11 September 2024. Please be on the lookout for the invitation in late August.

Again, thanks for all you do to support our veterans!

Never Stop Serving!


Don DuRant
Chapter President

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